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Heidi Dean

Past President/Area 10 Trustee

Hi there! I’m Heidi & I love my neighborhood!

I’ve lived in Bellevue since August 1998. My husband and I bought our Newport Hills home in December 2000. What drew me to Newport Hills was the small town feel that came with having the neighborhood centered on a small commercial district; it felt like my hometown of Ferndale, WA. We’ve enjoyed all the fun activities the NHCC has offered through the years including Santa Tour, Spring Egg Hunt, and the former 4th of July Picnic & Children’s Parade, which was a favorite of my son when he was young.

I began serving with the NHCC in 2010 as an Area Trustee. The NHCC is important to me as a means to facilitate connectedness between residents, as well as communication between residents and our local government. Without a strong, connected neighborhood communicating about issues that impact us decisions can be made for us without our knowledge or approval. Communication=Knowledge=Neighborhood Advocacy.  Thank you for supporting the NHCC with your membership dues and donations, as well as your volunteer time. YOUR support is what helps keep our 55 year old community club alive & kicking!