Comprehensive Plan Update Kicks Off Next Phase – Drafting the Plan
The Periodic Update to the Comprehensive Plan launched in February of 2022. Since that time the planning team has heard from over 5000 people who live, work, study, and play in Bellevue about what they hope to see in the future.
All of this community feedback has been used to inform options for how the city will grow and develop in the next twenty years. It is also being used to develop draft policies that will guide this growth and development.
The next phase of engagement will focus on sharing draft language and policy moves with the community. The planning team will be looking to hear what resonates with community members and what changes or additions should be considered.
Community Members are invited to join the planning team for a Bellevue 2044 Phase 3 Kick-Off on Tuesday, October 10 at 6:30 pm. At this virtual session the planning team will review the process for drafting the major update to the Comprehensive Plan and the opportunities for engagement. There will be time for questions and answers. People are encouraged to register at
As part of this phase of engagement the planning team is excited to launch a series of open houses. Community members can review draft vision statements, speak with members of the planning team, and provide feedback. These are drop-in events and people can stop by any time and stay for as long as they’d like.
Monday-Friday, October 9-25 | 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
City Hall – 15600 NE 8th St, Bellevue, WA 98008
Saturday, October 14 | 2:00 – 6:00 pm
Crossroads Mall (outside Mini City Hall) – 15600 NE 8th St, Bellevue, WA 98008
Thursday, October 19 | 4:30 – 8:00 pm
City Hall – 15600 NE 8th St, Bellevue, WA 98008
Registration is not required, but people can find more information at or reach out to Brooke Brod at with any questions.