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We want YOU! NHCC Seeks Candidates for 2024 Board


Help your neighborhood thrive by becoming a Board Member or Area Trustee

The NHCC board of directors has five officers: President, Past President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Each serve for one calendar year and elections are held at the Fall General Club Meeting in October 2023. The open positions for 2024 are: Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Please note that the Past President and President positions are not currently open, as by-laws require that the current President become the Past President, and the current Vice President become the President for the next year. Bylaws with more details are available here.

Any paid members of NHCC are encouraged to run for any positions other than President for which the Vice President has automatic succession to the role. If you are interested in serving for these positions or have questions about the roles or the election process please email us at

If you are interested in serving for any of the open positions, please fill out this form by Sunday, September 24.

Here are the responsibilities for each role:

  • The President shall preside at all meetings other than committee meetings at which he or she is in attendance, shall be a non-voting member of all committees, shall act as coordinator of all committees and their activities, and shall direct the Club in all other ways according to these Bylaws.
  • The Vice President shall act as an aid to the President, and shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
  • The Secretary shall maintain the Club records and files, record the minutes of each meeting and shall perform such duties as may be delegated to the office by the President.
  • The Treasurer shall receive and deposit in a bank account(s) all monies of the Club, keeping an accurate account of the same. The treasurer shall disburse monies for the following:

We’re also seeking volunteers to fill the role of Trustee in all our neighborhood areas. The map of the neighborhood areas can be found below. Area Trustees are the conduit of information between residents and the board, as well as the voting members for their area in board matters. Time commitment is one hour/month for a board meeting, plus occasional help with engagement and events.